Friday, 11 May 2012

GOD'S Time

This article was written by Pastor Gbenga Bakare

Eccl 3:10-11
“I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the son's of men to be exercised in it. He hath made everything beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end”.
To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. For the purpose of your life to come to pass it will not exceed its time. Everything that will happen to a man will happen according to time. A time to prosper, to rejoice, to shine and manifest. For these to manifest, you need understanding. The bible says wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom; get understanding.

In verse 10, the bible says ; I have seen the travail which God hath given to the son of men to be exercised in it… “Many believers today do not have the understanding of why they are going through that trial. Instead they ask why me? And blame God.What we are going through as believers is permitted by God for a reason. If God did not permit it, you will never go through them. The bible says in verse 11… to be exercised in it” the word “exercised” here means to be trained. In other words, God uses these trials to train us. You cannot entrust your work, business into the hands of the untrained. God cannot entrust his blessing into your hand until you are trained for it well. A trained auto mechanic is useless in the theatre. When God gives you what you are not trained for, you will mis-handle it or even destroy it because you do not understand the purpose of that thing. When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Some blessing are not useful in the hands of the untrained because God is not ready to waste blessings on those that have not released themselves to be trained and equipped through travails. Whatever you are doing through, open up yourself to learn what God wants you to learn because it is only then you become certified for your blessings.
“….He hath made everything beautiful in his time”. The word “ He hath made” reveals to us that everything you are believing God for in life has been perfected before now. Before you were born, healing has been perfected, prosperity, blessings, deliverance etc has been perfected in Christ Jesus for you and I. so why do we pray amiss?
This is March all you need to do is to put your faith into practice and ask God to reveal to you the perfected blessings for this month and when you lay hold on it, you then pray them into manifestation. You have been praying for major financial breakthrough since last year and you yet to receive any this year. All you need to do is to re-direct your prayer and say “Lord, what have you perfected for me in my finance in this month? Go ahead and claim it and pray them into manifestation.

Everything we are trusting God for in life has been perfected for us before now. The bible says “He hath made all things beautiful in his time …” whose time?
 Is it God's time or our time? God has nothing to do with time because He is the ancient of days. We are the ones to work with time. God has no problem changing you today but have you made up your time to come? Before your time comes, you need patience to be trained through your travails. Abraham was tested through the travail of barrenness and to offer Isaac, God tested him and from that God entrusted into his hand generational blessings that will not finish till tomorrow.
Esther 4:14, at Esther's time she was made a queen. A time came for her to speak for Isreal. Modecai said “If you refuse to bring enlargement and deliverance to the nation, you will be destroyed. But Esther risked her life to save her nation. She used her time wisely, if she had not, the position she thought she had have been taken away from her. Most believers have not been able to retain their miracle, blessing because they did not use their time wisely. You are blessed to bless others. If Esther had kept quiet, she would have lost at both ends. In her time, she caused enlargement and deliverance. In your own time, what have you done?

In 2 Kings 7:1-2, when your time comes, what was sold at high price will be bought at low price. Whatever is difficult will become easy, but one devil you need to silence for life is that voice in a man saying “NO” to your blessing manifestation. Every voice in a man saying “NO” to your blessings is silenced forever in Jesus name.
God's time is the time you are certified through the travail God is using to train you. Miracles are not cheap. Blessings are not cheap. You have a part to play. You are great.

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Ogundele Abisinuola Victoria
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Stay Blessed...

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