Saturday, 3 March 2012



Not going back, I'm moving ahead
I'm here to declare to you
my past is over in you
All things are made new
Surrendered my life to Christ
I'm moving, moving forward

What a moment you have

Me to, such freedom I have
found in you
You're the healer who makes

Friday, 2 March 2012

Understand Your Right In The Kingdom

There is no kingdom without a king. A kingdom is a domain where authority is passed. It only takes a man of the spirit to understand that there is a kingdom for him to possess. In a kingdom, you find the king, the prince/princess, the queen, slave and the likes. But in the beginning, God gave Adam and Eve a kingdom, they lost their kingship and dominion through sin but God still offers us a kingdom because a kingdom is meaningless without a king. God is the king of kings. Kings have the final say when it comes to matters of the kingdom. We are kings automatically to the king of kings because the bible says “we are joint heirs with the father”. The son of a king automatically becomes a king because he can also command and rule in the kingdom. Since
we are heirs of God and God is the king of kings therefore we are kings in our territory ruling in

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